
Design a Butterfly Garden Challenge Digital


Conservation has become an increasingly important subject as we have become more conscious of our responsibility as good stewards of God’s planet. For example, butterflies are pollinators and play a role in our planet’s ecosystem.
We know that we are changing natural habitats, which is sometimes required. For example, while providing a cleaner, renewable source of electricity, solar energy farms need large sections of land to be cleared of vegetation to install them. These trade-offs, while on the one hand are helping us be better stewards, also leave a negative impact.
However, we can do our part to improve the world for species like butterflies. Even if we live in an apartment, we can plant a container garden that has a thoughtful plant selection. We can reduce the use of pesticides in our yards. We can also campaign to our counties to ask them to plant wildflowers in road mediums.
In this Challenge, Trainees will work through the Engineering Design Process to design a butterfly garden for their home. In addition, they will work through Challenge Kits* to help them understand the basic concepts of the perfect ecosystem for a butterfly.
They will find our STEM Hero an inspiration source as the first Landscape Architect and how his designs are still enjoyed a century later!
They will be able to use their Trainee Portfolio to work through the Challenge and record their work.
We designed all our Challenges so any age group can use them. Our test Trainee group ranges in age from 7 to 14 years old. However, we have had 5-year-olds successfully complete Challenges with assistance, and even a few parents joined their Trainees to learn to code! We recommend simplifying the task for younger Trainees and helping them with the Challenge Kits. We recommend that older students go more in-depth and that their finished solution is of a higher standard and more detailed. Different learning styles have been taken into consideration. So Challenges can adapt the Portfolio and Lessons to each Trainee’s needs. Ultimately, our program is about working through the process. And you are never too young or too old to learn that skill.
For this Challenge, Trainees over 8 years old should be able to complete it without assistance. However, younger Trainees will require assistance.

Challenge includes

  • Online lesson access
  • PDF Trainee Portfolio


Conservation has become an increasingly important subject as we have become more conscious of our responsibility as good stewards of God’s planet. For example, butterflies are pollinators and play a role in our planet’s ecosystem.
We know that we are changing natural habitats, which is sometimes required. For example, while providing a cleaner, renewable source of electricity, solar energy farms need large sections of land to be cleared of vegetation to install them. These trade-offs, while on the one hand are helping us be better stewards, also leave a negative impact.
However, we can do our part to improve the world for species like butterflies. Even if we live in an apartment, we can plant a container garden that has a thoughtful plant selection. We can reduce the use of pesticides in our yards. We can also campaign to our counties to ask them to plant wildflowers in road mediums.
In this Challenge, Trainees will work through the Engineering Design Process to design a butterfly garden for their home. In addition, they will work through Challenge Kits* to help them understand the basic concepts of the perfect ecosystem for a butterfly.
They will find our STEM Hero an inspiration source as the first Landscape Architect and how his designs are still enjoyed a century later!
They will be able to use their Trainee Portfolio to work through the Challenge and record their work.
We designed all our Challenges so any age group can use them. Our test Trainee group ranges in age from 7 to 14 years old. However, we have had 5-year-olds successfully complete Challenges with assistance, and even a few parents joined their Trainees to learn to code! We recommend simplifying the task for younger Trainees and helping them with the Challenge Kits. We recommend that older students go more in-depth and that their finished solution is of a higher standard and more detailed. Different learning styles have been taken into consideration. So Challenges can adapt the Portfolio and Lessons to each Trainee’s needs. Ultimately, our program is about working through the process. And you are never too young or too old to learn that skill.
For this Challenge, Trainees over 8 years old should be able to complete it without assistance. However, younger Trainees will require assistance.

Challenge includes

  • Online lesson access
  • PDF Trainee Portfolio


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